When is 5G auction in India going ?


When is 5G auction in India going ?   The world has got a new satellite technology here,” Badge says, referring his recent talk at Indian telecom operators. They are still discussing the possibility of connecting it with their 5G Internet services the most common method for mobile phone customers now having LTE that covers … Read more

What is most popular accounting software

accounting software

What is most popular accounting software ? It’s a computer program that allows you to determine exactly what your tax filing status will be, how many years it’ll take you or which form of income (taxable income) the company makes. In short a computer programming language A good version gives you this information for free … Read more

What is the point of a disposable camera ?

disposable camera

What is the point of a disposable camera? This guy has no idea. Well, it’s interesting for two reasons. 1.) Not every photographer who takes photos on film needs to use them as their only source. 2.) I was curious about just how much effort would be put into making this one and can’t help … Read more

What is Rust Programming Language used ?

Rust Programming Language

What is Rust used for ? The language itself, and the technology behind it. Many languages can be traced back to an older version of C or Java that was written in a simpler form using assembly instructions with no compiler support on modern platforms. “Rust” means Simple Object-Oriented (SOO) programming as most programmers would … Read more

What is a meant by universal design ?

universal design

What is meant by universal design ? Universal design describes a system in which the same elements that might make up any device can be easily integrated together. As such, it suggests various designs and configurations of devices so users don’t have to dig deeper into all kinds for each feature they want. This concept … Read more

What type of machine is a lawn mower?

Lawn mower machine

Lawn mower machine : A vehicles in general and electric wheelchairs in particular. It’s not uncommon to encounter a motorcyclist riding off into the night on his bike with this toy, so perhaps he was driving through town using these machines from home ? There are many kinds of electrical tractors around today but most … Read more

When will 5G launch in India ?

5G launch

When 5G will launch in India ? India could soon have internet at a speed equivalent to 30 gigabytes per second (GB/s) of data, which can be transferred instantaneously and easily over fiber-optic cables. So it won’t take that much longer to get such speeds and the current limit is just 6Gbps for now. Achieving … Read more

What is advanced computer?

advanced computer

What is advanced computer ? What are the limitations of an operating system that can run on a TI microprocessor chip, not only in graphics and programming but also multitasking? How does one develop software with such powerful hardware to offer applications like video editing or image processing (which most computers today do); how could … Read more

How to Create a Online game ?

Online game

Development of games has been an art for the past 150 years. In a video game, a game artist creates a game, in the computer, a game designer writes a game, and in the computer, a game developer writes a game. Games are the best art ever created, and they also serve as the best … Read more

Video game is next generation future

Video game

A electronic game is a computer-controlled game in which the user uses a joystick to move an object. It’s all part of the entertainment industry’s evolving relationship with digital technology, with its ability to give voice to a digital audience that’s increasingly engaged with games and social interaction. This is the second installment of a … Read more